On Saturday, 27 February 2021 Aquila Theological Institute had its "Soft Launch."
On that day, we oriented our first three apprentices to the curriculum. We shared with them how their training will proceed, what our aims are for them, etc. Their journey began. And so did ours.
So, what's a soft launch? Well, a soft launch is a slow implementation of the Aquila Theological Institute before it is fully operational.
A soft launch is a season of going through the motions of how we'd like the institute to function while knowing that everything is still in the process of development. Everything is in draft form, so to speak.
This event gave us an opportunity to practice, to learn where we still need to grow, to discover the areas where we are doing well. Were we understood? Did the apprentices and mentors walk away with a richer understanding of what lies ahead of them? Did they catch the vision for our model of ministry training? Is there anything that we forgot to say? These are just some of the questions that we are still asking ourselves.
Our first three mentors come from two of our partner churches: International Christian Fellowship in Frankfurt and International Baptist Church of Cologne. Two are from Germany and one is from Pakistan. All three are passionate about God's Word and following the Lord wherever He leads them.
Please be praying for them and their families as they pursue training for future ministry.
Please pray for their mentors as they work diligently to support and equip these apprentices.
Please pray for Aquila as we continue to move toward a full launch of the Aquila Theological Institute.